Friday October 14 - Sunday October 16  2016


at the Zazen Retreat Center

8150 Orr Springs Road, Ukiah, CA

(Ukiah is about 100 miles north of the bay)


We, this badass band of lady rebels, live out loud and proud, sassy and unafraid. We live bold, brave and big lives. We follow our passions and live with purpose.

We are women who create, who inspire, who make change, who make art, who get shit done.

We have fought, bled, cried, and sweat because we believe in our work. And we navigate so much of this alone…

Our hope is that this circle of ladies will create strength in numbers, and provide support throughout all of our journeys, so we can get to deeper, more purposeful and intentional work. As the circle grows, the magnitude of this impact will grow!

This weekend gathering is one manifestation of our band of badass babes - we’ll come together to share, do, make, practice, discover, grow and explore what’s in our hearts. We’ll cook, hot spring, hike, stretch our bodies and minds, engage in each other’s workshops, learn new skills, and reconnect to our best selves.

In this inaugural weekend, we’ll come together as a circle, gregarious and energized like marching musicians, and we’ll go forward as radiant beacons to rock this fierce and fabulous life.

Reserve your space HERE, and we’ll see you rebellious creatures there!